Antari HZ-400 Haze Machine

SKU: AntariHZ-400HazeMachine Categories: , ,

Quantity available: 1

The HZ-400 is equipped with an internal, maintenance-free air compressor, a sophisticated haze transfer mechanism, and a specially designed fluid tank. The HZ-400 is equipped with two haze nozzles capable of producing a virtually invisible large volume of haze output.
The fine translucence and non-stop output produced by HZ-400 makes it more remarkable by the fact that with this hazer there are no temperature controls, hot air and warm-up times during operation.
Its internal compressor is extremely powerful, quiet and very efficient. With an added onboard DMX which provides users to control the unit by any DMX 512.
HZ-400 Professional Haze machine is the elegant combination between the ultimate haze quality from high capacity, low fluid consumption and silent operation demanded by professionals.

Included in hire
1 x Hazer
1 x Power cable
1 x Wired remote control
1 x Wireless remote control

Output : 2,800 cu.ft / min
Tank Capacity : 2.5 litre
Fluid Consumption Rate : 16 hr / litre
Recommended Liquid: Antari HZL-1/HZL-5 Haze Liquid
Included Remotes : HC-1 Timer Remote
Air Pressure : 100 Psi
Power Supply : 240V AC / 50Hz
Dimensions (mm) : 491.8 x 273 x 314.5 mm
Weight : 14.1 kg

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