ICOM IC-A15 Band Air Traffic Transceiver

SKU: ICOMIC-A15BandTransceiver Categories: ,

Quantity available: 1

IC-A15 Icom’s (VHF) Air Band Transceiver is used for ground and air operatons. It’s simple operation and durable, water resitant construction make it ideal for any location.

Frequency range 118.000–136.975 MHz (COM)
Number of memory channels: IC-A15, IC-A15S
200 channels (20 channels × 10 banks)
100 channels
Channel spacing 25 kHz
Type of emission 6K00A3E (AM)
Power supply requirement 7.4 V DC (Icom battery pack)
Current drain (approximate)
Tx High
Rx Max. audio/Stand-by
1.5 A
500 mA/50 mA typ.
Antenna impedance 50 ? n

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